Call Us At
(780) 848-2808 1-800-265-5389

Box 209, 5104 56 Ave, Warburg, AB T0C 2T0
Some common questions…
What is a Gas Co-op?
Buck Mountain Gas Co-op is a member owned utility that provides natural gas services to our members. Gas Co-ops were created because there was not enough profit in the less densely populated rural areas of Alberta for the large private utility companies to serve. In 1975, the Alberta government passed the Rural Gas Act which provided government grants to ensure all rural communities were able to lower the installation cost of creating a gas network to feed their property.
How do I sign up for Natural Gas service to my property?
- A contract and utility right of way (URW) will need to be signed by the land owner (s).
- Payment of the installation is required at time of application for service.
- An on-site meeting indicating the meter location and pipeline routing will be scheduled.
- A copy of the Gas Permit Application must be submitted to our office prior to the meter being connected.
We now offer financing, please call the office for more details.
Can I save by using natural gas?
($______current price per litre X 39 = $______/ GJ of Propane compare to Buck Mountain Gas Co-op Ltd current price per GJ (Contact us for our current pricing).
(ie: $0.40*39= $15.60 / GJ for propane) price for example only
How are the gas rates set?
Your gas bill has three (3) different components:
- The first is the cost of gas. This is the total cost that Gas Alberta charges to purchase your natural gas on the open market. It is commonly called the wholesale rate to the Co-op.
- The second is the distribution fees. These fees are the fees the Co-op charges to distribute the natural gas through its pipeline system. It includes all the operation, maintenance, administration, unaccounted for gas loss and payments to the capital reserve fund. These fees are typically set annually by the Board of Directors after the yearly operational budget is passed.
- The last charge is the monthly fixed charge. This charge is a monthly fee that is charged to all customers. It is a revenue generating fee to ensure the Co-op has a fixed amount of income each month to ensure all members pay a fair portion of the costs of operating the Co-op. This fee is set annually by the Board of Directors.
Are Shares / Dividends paid to members?
No, the Buck Mountain Gas Co-op board choose to balance the fixed and variable fees accordingly to maintain value for our members. The Buck Mountain Co-op Ltd. has been deemed a “Not for profit” corporation which means money can be put in an infrastructure replacement account for future upgrades or replacements.
Why does the cost of gas change every month?
Natural gas in Alberta is sold on the North American market. A broker in Texas or New York buys the gas from producers on the open market the same as Gas Alberta does. Prices vary depending on the supply, weather and other factors.
What does the monthly fixed fee cover?
Our fixed fee is set to cover costs relating to infrastructure, liability and Gas System (pipeline) insurance, system maintenance, replacements or loop lines along with many other operating costs.
How do I know if I have a gas leak?
We put an odorant in the gas called Mercaptan. This is what gives natural gas the distinctive odor. If you smell this coming from your gas appliances you should, exit the premises (do not turn anything on or off including lights) and call Buck Mountain Gas Co-op Ltd. If you are not in danger, ensure the room is well ventilated and call the us to come out and verify the leak, we can then assist or make recommendations for correction.
Is the natural gas distribution industry regulated?
The AUC (Alberta Utilities Commission), Rural Utilities and the AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) regulate exploration, production, processing, transmission and distribution of natural gas within Alberta.
What happens if my gas gets shut off for non-payment of any bill owing the Co-op?
In order to get your gas service turned back on you will need to pay all fees that have been accrued. This includes all termination charges, outstanding gas and penalty charges. All reconnection fees must be paid in full. Customers with chronic arrear problems can also be required to provide the Co-op with a deposit.
How can I pay my monthly gas bill?
At Buck Mountain Gas Co-op Ltd. we accept Cheques, Cash , Pre-authorized Debit, Debit or Credit Cards. To pay your bill today, Click on the CUSTOMERS tab at the top of this screen (transaction fee will be applied to Credit card payments). We also accept online payments from most major banks.
What if I missed a payment?
If you missed a payment or are unable to pay, please contact us and we will try and work with you to avoid unnecessary charges.
The Federal Government provided set rates for each hydrocarbon fuel consumed. Please visit www.canada.ca
Why is the G.S.T. charged on FEDERAL FUEL CHARGE?
The Government calls this fee a levy, this makes it mandatory to collect the G.S.T. on the amount charged.
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